B2B cooperation

Become a partner of LM PAY S.A.

Our model of cooperation includes cost-free implementation of the financing system, training and marketing support, and a dedicated, free marketplace that is constantly being developed.


Launch the MediRaty system – financing and installment payments for the costs of planned services

Launch the MediRaty system – financing and installment payments for the costs of planned services

Give patients greater access to your services by enabling them to purchase without cash and increase turnover by up to 60%Take advantage of our proven solutions and 10 years of experience on the market.

  • Financing in the amount from PLN 500 to PLN 30,000 takes the form of a loan agreement with the client and is subject to the provisions of the Consumer Credit Act; funds are transferred directly to the clinic-service provider before the service is provided
  • Non-cash purchase of services in your facility. Favorable terms of financing and installment payments may be what your patients expect, thanks to the payment in installments, they will easily implement the treatment plan and undergo a metamorphosis instead of postponing treatment and getting treated … in installments. See for yourself that it is worth becoming our partner and join the group of over 8,000 medical facilities in Poland that are already using our solutions
  • The cooperation is free of charge which means that the facility does not incur any costs related to the financing provided to the Patient (except for the 0% Installment programme).
  • All formalities related to granting financing are on the side of MediRat and not the facility because we respect your work and time! A telephone team of consultants works on the care of patients from Monday (8 a.m.-8 p.m.) to Saturday (9 a.m.-2 p.m.).
  • As part of the cooperation agreement, we also provide: marketing materials, and for the most active teams also an incentive programme and promotional support.


Launch the MediPay system at your place - deferred and installment payments after the visit / after the service

More and more customers take advantage of the possibility of deferring payments for online purchases for up to 30 days free of charge. And how would your customers accept the possibility of deferring payments or spreading them instantly into 3, 4, 8 or 12 installments with two clicks on a smartphone? No cash or card.

All you need is a smartphone with which the customer will confirm the transaction, the funds will appear on your account the next day - from us. Simple and comfortable. This solution is already used by nearly 5,000 outlets in Poland and now you can join this group. A solution enabling the customer to settle the purchase of your service - by bank transfer up to 30 days (free of charge) or in installments from PLN 100 to PLN 5,000 - read and order:


Check it

The ‚trial’ procedure.

Such cooperation does not require signing a permanent Agreement and its rules are simple: it is enough to prepare a treatment plan for the Patient along with a cost estimate and issue a pro-forma pok@mediraty.pl or hand it over to the Patient who will deliver it to us.

The patient should contact our Consultant who will carry out creditworthiness verification (during a few-minute telephone conversation at the telephone number 22 266 83 70 Mon.-Fr. 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-2 p.m.). After positive verification and signing by the Patient of the Installment Agreement sent by courier, the facility will receive funds directly to its account, usually the next day. The facility does not incur any costs related to the financing provided to the Patient.

Caution! The trial procedure applies only to the MediRaty system and only medical services (excluding financing of medical equipment, rehabilitation, glasses, etc.).

Form - fill in and send, our regional manager will call back within 3 business days.

    Średnie obroty miesięczne placówki:

    Administratorem danych osobowych jest LM PAY S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie (Lechicka 23a, 02-156 Warszawa), który przetwarza Twoje dane osobowe w celu skontaktowania się z Tobą zgodnie z Twoją prośbą. Pozostałe informacje o przetwarzaniu danych osobowych, w tym o przysługujących Ci na mocy RODO prawach, dostępne są w Polityce prywatności.


    Such cooperation does not require signing a permanent Agreement and is simple: it is enough to prepare a treatment plan for the Patient along with a cost estimate and, on this basis, issue a pro-forma invoice and send it to us at: pok@mediraty.pl or give it to the Patient.

    The patient should contact our Consultant, who will verify creditworthiness during a few-minute telephone conversation at the following telephone number: 22 266 83 70 (Mon.-Fr. 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-2 p.m.). After a positive and free verification and signing by the Patient of the Installment Agreement sent by courier, the facility will receive the funds directly to its account, even on the same day.

    The facility does not incur any costs related to the financing provided to the Patient.

    Just print, fill out and send two signed copies of the Cooperation Agreement to:

    Partner Network Director
    LM PAY S.A.
    02-156 Warsaw
    ul. Lechicka 23A

    Po otrzymaniu przesyłki skontaktuje się z Nadawcą Menedżer Regionalny MFG SA w celu umówienia bezpłatnego szkolenia dla zespołu obsługi Pacjenta.lmpay

    The Active Partner does not incur any costs for the cooperation.

    Each Patient indicated by the Partner (name and surname, telephone number) who is interested in financing and installment payments:

    • will be verified free of charge at BIK
    • will receive detailed information on financing and repayment terms and an individual offer (valid for 30 days)
    • The installment agreement will be delivered by a personal courier, free of charge - after signing it, we transfer the funds for the treatment directly to the Partner’s account.

    The partner receives marketing materials free of charge, and the most active also receives promotional support, e.g. on the www.pragnieniakobiet.pl website. www.pragnieniakobiet.pl.

    For both the doctor and the patient, financial matters can be a sensitive topic and avoided by both parties, which is why we often use the following motto:

    „The doctor has to treat and the patient …not ruin their household budget.”

    MediRaty meet the needs of both parties, who can focus on what matters most: treatment.

    Become our Partner! Do you have further questions? Call: 22 266 83 70 (Mon.- Fr. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) or fill in and send an application form - we will call you back within 1 business day.

    This is the first solution in Poland in the consumer finance category, responding to the specific needs of patients, dedicated to dental clinics and other medical industry entities, aesthetic medicine clinics and veterinary clinics throughout Poland. The service was introduced in 2010 by Ratalnie.com SA (currently: LM PAY S.A.) with the aim of financing dental procedures (especially: expensive prosthetic and implantoprosthetic procedures).

    The principle of the system is very simple. It combines the features of a low-cost bank loan and a minimum of paperwork thanks to telephone support.

    A patient interested in purchasing expensive commercial medical or veterinary services contacts a MediRaty Consultant by telephone

    The MediRaty Consultant, during one telephone conversation lasting several minutes, verifies the Patient’s creditworthiness and credit history, determines the level of credit risk and agrees with the Patient on the terms of financing, and then sends the Patient a courier with the Agreement, immediately after signing the Agreement, LM PAY S.A. transfers the funds directly to the Partner’s account (the facility which provides the service)

    The patient repays the first installment approximately one month after signing the Agreement.

    The patient can pay the entire cost of the procedure and all services related to it in installments, or cover part of the cost from their own funds and finance the rest with MediRaty. The financing option depends on the individual needs of the Patient and the creditworthiness for the amount needed.

    After signing the cooperation agreement, the Patient may, by paying in installments, purchase any service or procedure provided by the clinic, or implement a comprehensive treatment plan:

    • all kinds of dental, medical, aesthetic medicine, rehabilitation procedures, operations, consultations, comprehensive treatment plans, etc.
    • any type of treatment including hospitalisation and rehabilitation and hotel stay, if it is within one procedure and one medical entity
    • rehabilitation packages
    • health equipment, rehabilitation equipment, prostheses, etc.
    • diagnostic tests, genetic tests
    • addiction treatment
    • veterinary procedures and services

    The basic scope of the Cooperation Agreement allows the Medical Partner to provide services completely free of charge, and also provides free marketing materials.

    For details, please see the model Cooperation Agreement or call: 22 266 83 70 (Mon.-Fr. 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-2 p.m.)

    It is in the interest of the facility to inform the Patient about the possibility of financing and payment in installments and to enable the Patient to verify it free of charge and present a non-binding financing offer. The verification of the ability can give your patients a completely new perspective for more advanced and comprehensive treatment.

    For example: your Patient’s monthly earnings of PLN 3,000 allows him to obtain funding of PLN 29,000.

    The facility is not obliged to participate in the formalities related to the financing procedure, employees do not have to fill in anything, etc. This is done by a specially trained telephone Consultant who during the conversation:

    • discusses the needs of the patient
    • performs a verification of the patient in the credit information database
    • assesses the credit risk and agrees the details and terms of the Instalment Contract with the Patient
    • sends a courier with the Agreement for signing to a place convenient for the patient (e.g. home address)
    • after the Patient signs the Agreement, he orders the transfer of the full amount for the procedure to the clinic’s account (the Patient pays the first installment about a month later)

    Because Polish patients are not used to this type of financing and payment for medical services - it is in the Partner’s well-understood interest to effectively provide such information to each of its patients.

    Yes, we practice this solution: the patient would like to settle in installments, but the practice has not yet signed a cooperation agreement with us.

    It is enough for the office to send us (pok@mediraty.pl) a pro-forma invoice for the patient’s treatment, which will be paid by us immediately after the patient’s creditworthiness and the profile of the office’s activity have been positively verified.

    The main principle of the MediRaty system, from the point of view of the Medical Partner, is the transfer of the entire risk for delays in repayment or non-payment to LM PAY S.A. In such a situation, a standard debt recovery procedure is launched, described in the Installment Agreement with the Patient, in which the Medical Partner is not involved in any way or participates in it.

    This is impossible. However, each case is individual and analysed by us very carefully. As a standard, we use the BIK credit information database and analyse the Patient’s professional, financial and family situation in terms of the ability to repay without placing too much burden on the household budget. Especially when expensive services are involved.

    When the Patient receives the category „complete lack of creditworthiness” as a result of the analysis - we are against granting him financing, also to protect them from the risk of falling into financial trouble. lmpay

    As an institution from the consumer finance industry, we deal with borrowing money that is entrusted to us by, among others, Polish cooperative banks. We do not finance the procedure for the Patient when our analysis shows that the risk of repayment is too high - we try to act rationally and in the best interest of the Patient.

    The MediPay payment system is already in more than 12,000 facilities. These include surgeries, clinics and outpatient clinics of various specialties. You will find a full list of facilities where you can make a MediPay payment in a special search engine at https://medipay.pl/

    The facility has to work with us and handle our payments (have access to our system). The standard purchase limit for various services in the MediPay system is PLN 5,000, while in the case of dental services, most surgeries have a limit of PLN 10,000.

    The limit does not include installment commitments via the MediRaty system (where full creditworthiness and credit history verification takes place over the phone).

    After the transaction, the office receives from us the entire amount for the service performed, immediately - on its account, and we expect its repayment from the client in a way convenient for him, i.e. in 1, 3, 4, 8 or 12 installments.

    When settling the payment, the customer must have a smartphone with the Internet, an ID card confirming his identity and that he is a Polish citizen.

    The customer receives repayment information on his smartphone, which he approves by SMS.

    If the client’s liabilities towards us do not exceed PLN 5,000 (PLN 10,000 in the case of dental services), the client may defer payments in the same or another dental practice until this limit is reached. In addition, he may obtain funding up to PLN 30,000 in the MediRaty system, which is not included in the limit.

    You can use the MediPay fast form of payment up to the limit of PLN 5,000 (PLN 10,000 for dental services).

    We only reserve the right to verify in the available BIK or KRD credit information databases in terms of debt.

    No, all you need to have with you is an ID card to confirm your identity and a smartphone from which you will confirm by SMS that you agree to cooperate with us, in accordance with the Agreement.

    MediPay is a system of payments for treatments, available in selected clinics and surgeries in Poland. Thanks to it, it is possible to postpone the payment and settle it by bank transfer within 30 days at no additional cost or to spread the repayment over 3, 4, 8 or 12 installments.

    MediPay can be used by a person who meets the following conditions:
    Polish citizenship, aged 18-75 , having an identity card with him.