I have been advocating for years that instalment and deferred payment schemes should support both the business development of clinics and the relationship with patients.
Finally, if they can benefit from a broader treatment plan, it strengthens the bond with the brand.
Why is this a convenient solution for clinics?
Because most customer interactions are automated or handled by LM PAY S.A.’s online consultants. All the patient has to do is express an interest in using this form of payment and the clinic will enter their details into the relevant system.
In the case of the MediPay system, the verification and funding decision takes place directly at the clinic.
Some additional thoughts on the subject: LINK
#businessdevelopment #healthcare #CNPL #payments.
Source: LinkedIn
When discussing instalment or deferred payment systems, a lot of time is spent on technological solutions that guarantee speed and convenience.
The fact is that with MediRat, verification and a decision on funding are made within 10 minutes, during a phone call with the patient.
In the case of MediPay, we have shortened this process to one minute.
It is also worth noting the high priority we give to data security and patient comfort. We do not collect any data beyond what is required of us by law.
We do not ask about the treatments we are expected to fund, as this is a matter for the clinic and the patient’s relationship with the doctor.
We just try to support doctors in their treatment and patients in managing their own budgets, so that they don’t have to give up anything.
Source: LinkedIn